About us

How it started

Truehuscle was originally founded by Drake and Daniel in September 2020, as they felt they had a different perspective on the fitness industry that many people in the world could benefit from. They started by creating two online programs ‘Get Lean’ and ‘Muscle’ which replicated the way that they both trained. After being in and out of lockdowns, they then built a home gym and quickly followed that up with two more programs 'Just Abs' and 'Everyday Athlete' along with a short term bodyweight only ‘Locked Down’ programme, as they wanted people to be able to workout at home.

After all the lockdowns settled, they then moved into their first commercial building and opened the Truehuscle HQ and got Jason Jones, Allan Rodrigues & Mark Shaw on board who are all highly dedicated, expert coaches. After spending almost a year in the Truehuscle HQ, the boys knew there was more they could offer outside of their online training programmes and 1 on 1 personal training. They started running training classes, which has since largely grown the Truehuscle community. From there they moved into promoting their slogan 'More Than Fitness' to schools around New Zealand, with the intention of teaching the youth the importance of how fitness can benefit you not only physically, but mentally too.

With a huge emphasis on fitness and mental health, the Truehuscle boys ran a month-long campaign of events to help raise money for Lifeline Aotearoa in November 2022. These events consisted of putting their bodies through tough challenges such as working out every 4 hrs for 48 hrs and running 30 kms a day each for 7 days. These tasks were completed to somewhat replicate what the people of New Zealand may be battling mentally and help raise awareness of mental health and suicide prevention.

Truehuscle is a brand that is always evolving for the better, that truly cares about each and everyone one their members, and prides itself on providing a genuine product that will help improve people's overall life. Truehuscle is MORE THAN FITNESS.